Practice Tonight

We have practice tonight. As we do most every Tuesday unless some financial wizardry stops us. My biggest obstacle is in the preparation. I don’t know if I should have a grilled-cheese sandwich or just a New Castle – or both. My life is hard.


(I had tomato soup and a piece of potato bread.  AND a New Castle.)

We  were pleasantly surprised by the appearance of Dave Pawl last night.  Practicing is sooo much better with drums and Dave has really improved his whacking skills in the spaces in between.  We tried out a couple new songs – “Can You Believe All the Snow Out Here” and “Bring the World Down”.  We didn’t work on “Artemus Beetree” at all, but that’s ok.  I think that I’ll get that song completely laid out before we practice it much.  

Overall, it was a really tight session.  Sometimes we just don’t feel it.  Well, we did last night.

By Dirk

dirk is dreaming. don't bother him right now.