
A shopkeeper once had two helpers, John and David, who were brothers. At first they both received the same wage for the work they did, and so things went for a while. Then one day, John noticed that his brother was being paid more. So he went up to the shopkeeper and said, “Mr. Shopkeeper,… Continue reading Potatoes

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practice and drums

Last night our good friend Dave Pawl, of Sweetheart Tripwire fame, joined us for practice as our drummer.  It’s really sweet that he could make it and that he remembered pretty much every song we’ve ever done.  We’re looking forward to a couple shows this summer with him.  An interesting note is that we finished… Continue reading practice and drums

i’m off

and i’m off off to the valleys off to the babies off to the regulars in their shadies to come back to come home and off and off and on to the bone

Categorized as bloat