2009 Album reviews

Dirk’s been buggin’ me to write more blog entries, so instead of subjecting to you to more of my caustic stream of consciousness rants, I figured I’d review some of 2009’s better music releases. To start with, there were a lot of great re-releases of various things last year. My particular favorite was Magic Sam’s… Continue reading 2009 Album reviews

Show at Magellan’s

Take Solace summons all able-bodied comrades to attend the most anticipated auditory experience in Waukesha history.

Categorized as Shows

Synopsis of BARF 09

What is it about time that never really allows us to exist in the moment. Maybe there never really is a ‘now’, just a seesawing rememberance and anticipation of other events. But this suggests a linear sort of inertia, which certainly doesn’t jive with a festival dedicated to resurrecting the spirit of archaic white-man’s blues.… Continue reading Synopsis of BARF 09